Saturday, June 19, 2010

Anatomy of a Failure

It's often said that "Victory has a thousand fathers but defeat is an orphan." (John F. Kennedy)

Once in a while, you find a post about business failure from someone who's been there and done that.

These are hard earned truths, and deserve our careful attention.

So it is with "Out with the Old business in with the New", a post by Stuart Roseman.

He identifies five success factors and admits that he violated each one of them:

Parameters of a successful business:

1. Serve a need actual people have RIGHT NOW

2. Implement in such a way so that users don’t have to do ANY work or expend ANY energy except for paying

3. Avoid user interfaces like the plague.

4. Be able to field something really quickly: not years, not months, but weeks.

5. Get the product into users hands quickly and iterate on their daily needs often

This post is worth reading... and I hope you do!
