Friday, August 29, 2008

Broadband Speeds

Time's up. Pencils down.

How did you do on the speed test?

Believe it or not, you had one of fastest connection speeds in the country – and you're probably paying a pretty penny for it. The majority of people who took the test didn't come close to scoring as high as you did.

But fact is, even some of the fastest internet connections in the United States pale in comparison to many of our global competitors like Korea, Sweden, and Japan. These countries have average speeds that are almost ten times faster than the United States -- at about 1/12 the cost to the consumer.

FCC Commissioner Michael J. Copps has admitted "America's record in expanding broadband communication is so poor that it should be viewed as an outrage by every consumer and businessperson in the country."

It's time to fix this problem, and the first step is determining exactly where our current high speed networks reach -- and who is getting left behind.

You've already helped us begin to gather this crucial data by testing your Internet speed.

So what's next? Now you can help grow our movement and educate as many people as possible about the importance of improving our country's high speed Internet access. That way, when we demand our elected representatives take action, they'll hear us loud and clear.

Forward the message below to everyone you know, and ask them to join you in getting the U.S. up to speed.

Thank you,

Beth Allen Online Mobilization Coordinator

P.S. Don't forget to sign up for our weekly blog update email to stay up-to-date on the nationwide effort to expand high speed Internet access and the amazing things that people are doing with the improved technology.

Dear Friend,

Americans are charged more for slower internet speeds, and our current high-speed networks don't even reach millions of households. It's time for that to change -- and you can play a part. Testing your own speed will help make our new community research project,, a success.

Are you getting your money's worth? Find out now:

We're falling behind in the global economy because we won't invest in the technology to bring the benefits of this telecommunications revolution to most of our population. We're the only industrialized country without a national policy to promote high- speed Internet access.

That's why you're getting this email. Testing your connection's speed now will help us better understand the American average -- and craft an effective public policy and awareness campaign.

Take the speed test:

High speed Internet means more than smooth web videos or fast downloads.

Advanced high capacity communications networks can increase democratic and civic participation, improve the delivery of health care, education, job training, public safety and other vital services.

What are we waiting for? It's time to close the digital divide.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Be a Gold Farmer!

Becoming a video game hero takes hard work, long hours and a whole lot of gold.

Which might explain why so many gamers outsource it.

A new study by Manchester University estimates that over 400,000 people in developing nations earn wages by making and selling virtual goods in online games like World of Warcraft. The result is an industry worth a cool half-billion.

Dubbed 'gold farming,' the practice violates the terms of service of most online games, which prohibit players from unduly influencing in-game economies by amassing and selling in-game fortunes. But despite the threat of legal recourse, the profitable nature of gold farming coupled with the enormous growth of the online gaming sector has resulted in something of a boom.

According to the study, the bulk of gold farming (over 80%) takes place in China, with workers earning an average monthly income of about $145.

"The Indian software employment figure probably crossed the 400,000 mark in 2004 and is now closer to 900,000," said Prof Heeks. "Nonetheless, the two are still comparable in employment size, yet not at all in terms of profile."

A hierarchy of gold farmers arranged by where wages were lowest was starting to emerge, said Mr Davis. For instance, the low wages gold farmers in Vietnam will accept means they now do for Chinese gamers what many in China do for those in the West.

Games makers have tried to limit the amount of trade in game gold and gear, but few have reported significant success.

You could get rid of it, but you would also get rid of one of the most fundamental parts of player-to-player interaction.

Monday, August 25, 2008

How Did AOL Start?

Here's the 1986 video about the Internet service that launched it all!


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

New Skyscraper

Burj Dubai Tower

View 1

View 2

Site Plan


Good Support & Bad Support

Tech support can make or break a company.

Most of my personal tech support experiences have been neutral at best... and bad... VERY bad... at worst!

Let's look at the good (or should I say, even fantastic!) first.

I just signed up for a new Web 2.0 service that manages the approval process we must all contend with. You know, your boss needs to sign off on something, then someone in HR, then someone in accounting, etc. etc. etc. A real nightmare, right?

This new service, called Zapproved.Com (maybe for Zapped Approvals?) manages all this painlessly online for you.

You really need to check it out!

But that's not the best part!

When I signed up, I experienced a little hiccup... I'm Irish and my last name contains an apostrophe. Many, if not most, web sites gag on Irish names containing apostrophes. I guess not too many web developers are Irish.

Anyway, I emailed the company support desk and didn't expect much. Usually I'm ignored or have to wait a very long time for a reply, if I get one at all.

But Zapproved.Com... in addition to being innovative... is completely different!

Elise Chandler zapped an email reply back to me in a heart beat! She provided a full explanation of what the problem was, how to fix it, and an expected time frame to expect the fix. But it gets even better! In a few minutes she actually fixed the problem!!!! Can you believe that?

Aside from having a great product (which we all need), Zapproved.Com has a great staff!

As I said, you need to check this company out... because you really do need this service and because their tech support is fantastic!

If you think I'm overstating my case, have you dealt with AT&T or Verizon lately?

Completely different story...

Read the following post:

Has Anyone At AT&T Ever Called AT&T Tech Support?

from the welcome-to-the-soviet-ministries dept

I think these giant communications companies need to learn how to communicate from the new kid on the block... Zapproved.Com.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Tech Hype Cycle